Thursday, April 30, 2009

Seemed like a good idea at the time...

So, what would life be if we didn't keep learning lessons?  

The obvious lesson for today - actually for the last 6 weeks or so - is that starting my blog as I was trying to gear up for the catering job that grew from 35 to 56, complete the paperwork for the job that I thought that I retired from last June, and attend to the medical/legal/financial issues of my Mom in SC ...  well, it just wasn't a good idea.  But - I am back - I think.  Did I mention that the garden is also calling....  that would be the spade part of the title of this blog.  

Beside the (oft repeated) lesson of overextension, there is something else.  Actually, several other something elses.  I proved to myself that I could pull off cooking for 60 people and get rave reviews.  I might not be signing up for this kind of thing for a while, but I did end it all with a rush of satisfaction.  Or was that a rush of exhaustion???  Then, there was the soothing feel of dough kneaded smooth, of vanilla scented batters, of lime curd and pastry cream and pate choux that still brings a smile to my face.  There is a comfort in baking and cooking that nothing else brings to me.

May you know that feeling, too.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Welcome

My first post appears on St Patrick's Day - so what more appropriate photo could I begin with to start on this new project? While we did not find a pot of gold under this rainbow, it did appear in my backyard at the close of last summer. The trees had yet to begin to change color but the first cool hints of autumn were in the air. My garden, a rather overblown effort (and I only admit this in my most exhausted moments) was putting forth greens and beans and potatoes. Sadly, it was woefully short on tomatoes and tomatillos. However - this is the start of a new year and a new gardening season! We will all forge ahead together and look forward to a long and healthy season of gardening and cooking. From spade to spoon - here we go!